martedì 20 agosto 2013

Interview Magazine Germania Intervista Robert Pattinson / Interview Magazine Germany Interviews with Robert Pattinson


Robert:Spero non ti dispiaccia se fumo.
Intervistatore: Cosa fumi?
R:La mia sigaretta elettronica.Per molto tempo ho cercato di smettere,ma questa è abbastanza singolare:ogni sigaretta può essere fumata per tutto il tempo che ci vorrebbe invece per finire un pacchetto di sigarette.E se smette di ardere la getti. Proprio come con le sigarette reali. Mi piace. Ne vuoi una?
I: Mi piace tutto ciò che fuma.
R: Queste sono estremamente forti.Devo sempre guidare fino a 7-Eleven per averne nuove.E le puoi fumare anche durante il volo. Oh Dio,sembro un venditore ambulante di sigarette elettroniche.

I:Quando invece dovremmo fare un po’ di promo per Dior… Come ci si sente ad essere il nuovo volto di Dior Homme?
R: In realtà, non ho mai desiderato fare pubblicità.

I:E poi una mattina hai esaurito il profumo?
R:Io non uso profumo!

I:E ti è permesso dirlo?
R: Quando avevo 13 o 14 anni usavo sempre il profumo,ma oggi non più. All'epoca probabilmente ho pensato che mi avrebbe dato un’aria da adulto.Così era importante,almeno fino a quando non apparvero i primi peli.

I:Il regista Romain Gavras ha appena affermato che tu avresti distrutto la BMW durante le riprese dello spot…
R: Che cosa? Eravamo d'accordo che non avrebbe detto niente!E poi non proprio tutta la macchina.

I:Che cosa è accaduto?
R: Avrei dovuto guidare ad una distanza di 6 metri di lunghezza (circa 19,5 metri)dalla sabbia a 100 kmh (ca. 60 mp / h),mentre allo stesso tempo arrivavano le onde,sono scivolato.E così,l’auto,le modelle ed io siamo annegati nel fango pieno di alghe.

I:Lo hai detto a tuo padre?
R: A causa delle modelle? No, perché?

I:Pensavo tuo padre fosse un rivenditore di auto d’epoca
R: Oh, merda, questo è vero.Speravo che la BWM non fosse considerata antica. Tra l'altro, dopo il primo film di Twilight, ho guidato lo stesso modello in nero. L'auto mi è costata non più di 1000 dollari, non durò a lungo,ma è considerata un classico oggi. Grazie a Dio papà è in pensione ormai.

I: La scena in cui sembra che tu e la modella stiate fumando erba,non l’hai girata poco prima di quella,giusto?(riferendosi alla scena della BMW)
R:No, non l'ho fatto. (ride)

I: Roman Gavrais ha dovuto fare un sacco di modifiche per adattare il filmato all'immagine pubblica di Dior?
R:Beh, lo spinello non era vero.

I:Ma la ragazza lo era però…
R:Forse un giorno il regista potrà fare un altro taglio al filmato,quando al pubblico sarà consentito di vedere i suoi seni. Oh, no, mi rimangio tutto,è un commento orribile da fare.

I:Dopotutto, il pubblico ama vedere molto più che una ragazza nuda
R: Pff.

I:Da quando hai girato Salvador Dalì in Little Ashes ti abbiamo visto sempre nudo davanti alla macchina da presa.E’ un qualcosa che non ti crea problemi?
R:Io sono inglese! No! Per ora, va tutto bene, almeno fino a quando sento di aver lavorato sufficientemente per il ruolo. Ma anche in quel caso è più difficile per me rispetto ad altri sul set. Provate a immaginare l’incontro Juliette Binoche per la prima volta e dopo dieci minuti si suppone tu debba girare una scena di sesso con lei. Questo è brutale. Con la produzione di Dalì in Spagna è stato davvero brutto, quasi imbarazzante:abbiamo girato fuori in una piscina e dovevamo lasciarci andare un po’.Mi sono afferrato al bordo della piscina e prima ancora che avessi il tempo di girarmi,il ragazzo spagnolo era già nudo.Lui nuotava allegramente verso di me mentre io non avevo idea di cosa fare. Mi sentivo come Mr. Bean.Comunque, è stata la prima scena di sesso che avessi mai fatto. Ed è stata con un uomo.

I: Questo ha fatto qualche differenza?
R:Ripensandoci, posso davvero dire di no.Non sono baci reali,ci si mette solo nella posizione più consona affinché venga visivamente bene,se riesce a metterti nella giusta angolazione sembra che tu lo stia facendo veramente bene.

R: eBeh,almeno è diverso da un normale bacio

I:Solo poche persone vengono effettivamente filmate mentre si baciano.
R: Giusto, dimenticavo. (ride)

I: Torniamo al tuo lavoro part-time: ti senti come un Homme o una verisione Dior boy avrebbe fatto più a caso tuo?
R:Ebbene, durante le riprese Romainmi ha costantemente urlato "Più Homme"e “Robert, devi essere più Homme!"

I: Il tuo predecessore è stato Jude Law. Sembra che i francesi considerino gli inglesi più “Homme” rispetto ai loro connazionali.
R: Divertente, no? Noi inglesi siamo particolarmente virili, educati, colti, e attraenti.



Rob: I hope it doesn’t bother you that I smoke?

Interviewer: What do you smoke?

My e-cigs. I’ve been trying to quite for quite some time now but this one here is pretty unique: each cigarette can be smoked for as long as it would take you to finish to packs of cigs. And, um, if it stops glowing, you just throw it away. Just like with real cigarettes. I like that. Do you want one?



I like everything that smokes.

These are extremely strong. I constantly drive to 7-Eleven and get new ones. You can even smoke these things on the airplane. Oh God, I sound like a salesman for e-cigs.

When you should be doing some promo for Dior. How does it feel to be the new face of Dior Homme?

Actually, I never wanted to do advertisements.

…and then one morning you ran out of perfume?

I don’t use perfume!

Are you allowed to say that?

When I was 13 or 14 I always used perfume, but today, not anymore. At the time I probably thought it would give me some kind of adult touch. So it was important, until the first stubble appeared.

The director Romain Gavras just said you would have crashed the BMW while shooting.

What? We agreed he wouldn’t say anything! And I didn’t even total the car..

What happened?

I was supposed to drive along a six meter long (ca. 19,5 feet) stripe of sand 100km/h (ca. 60 mp/h) while at the same time, the waves came in, and I just slipped. After that the car, the models, and I drowned in mud full of algae.

Did you confess that to your dad?

Because of the models? No, why?

I thought you father dealt with oldtimers.

Oh, shit, that’s right. I had hoped the BMW wouldn’t be considered old. By the way, after the first Twilight movie, I drove the same model in black. The car didn’t cost more than 1000 bucks - it didn’t make it very long but it’s considered a classic today. Thank God, dad is retired by now.

The scene where it looks like you and the model would smoke pot, that wasn’t the one you were shooting just before that one, was it?

No, I didn’t. (laughs)

Did Roman Gavrais had to do a lot of editing until the pictures fit with the public image of Dior?

Well, the joint wasn’t real.

The girl was, however.

Maybe there will be a director’s cut one day, one in which the audience is allowed to see her breasts. Oh, no, I take that back - what a horrible comment to make.

After all, the audience loves to see you a lot more than the naked girl.


Ever since you played the young Salvador Dali in Little Ashes you are constantly seen naked in front of the camera. Is that something that is unproblematic for you?

I’m English! No! Although, by now, it’s okay, at least if I feel like I worked out enough. But even then it’s more difficult for me than others on set. Just imagine meeting Juliette Binoche for the first time and ten minutes later you’re supposed to shot a sex scene with her. That’s brutal. With the Dali production in Spain it was really bad, almost embarrassing: we hung out at a swimming pool and were supposed to loosen up a little. I clang to the edge of the pool and before I was even able to turn around the Spanish guy was already naked. He happily swam over to me and I had no idea what to do. I felt like Mr. Bean. However, that was the first sex scene I had ever done. And it was with a man.

Does that make a difference?

Looking back, I can actually say no. You don’t really kiss, actually you only make sure that is looks good, you know, whether the angle is right, and if you look good doing it.


Well, at least it feels different than a normal kiss.

Only a few people are being filmed while kissing.

Right, I forgot. (laughs)

Back to your part-time job: do you feel like an Homme or would Dior Boy have worked better for you?

Well, during the shoot Romain always yelled “More Homme!” and “Robert, be an Homme!”

Your predecessor was Jude Law. It seems like the French consider the English more Homme than their fellow countrymen.

Funny, right? Us Brits are especially manly, educated, eloquent, and good looking.

And you have a lot more hair than Jude Law.

How mean!

During your time in Hogwards it was probably always “That boy a year above Harry Potter is going to be the new Jude Law.”

Yes, that is what was written in the newspapers. But today, there are dozens of young guys who are celebrated as the new Robert Pattinson.

Two weeks ago, some photos appeared where they simply put your head on Jude Law’s head from the photos of his campaign.

That’s crazy. (laughs)

Have you ever met Jude Law?

Unfortunately not. But I’m sure that he probably laughs about stunts like that. We’re English. We have a good sense of humor. It’s what’s protecting us from all the craziness that happens.

When it comes to that you reached a complete new level in the last twelve months.

In the last twelve months? (laughs) It was hysterical, yes, but that’s actually what is was always like, during all the Twilight years. Suddenly everywhere I went people thought they already knew me. They look at a photo of me and think they have a special relationship, a friendship, an affair with me - someone they haven’t met their whole life. That’s crazy. And in some moments really scary and creepy. But I try to laugh it off. Only if you’re able to laugh about stuff is it that you can digest things. Maybe this whole celebrity thing, this hysteria that can hardly get any bigger than it already is, will be over real soon. At least that’s what I hope will happen.

When and more importantly why should that happen?

Oh, maybe in ten or twenty years; once the economic crisis is over and people are able to focus on themselves and their consumption - and not clutter the internet out of boredom the whole day and write complete nonsense about others.

Are you talking about yourself or the general need for fans to get close to famous people?

In general. The internet changed a lot. If you google something long enough you will soon know everything there is to know about me: what I eat, what my poop looks like, with whom I’m sleeping, what my dick looks like, even what I look like when I masturbate…


Well, that might be a little exaggerated. But my hand-job face is recorded for eternity.

Ever since you played the young Dali.


Can one not simply pretend to do it?

Try it. I can tell you right now, no chance. It just doesn’t work. So I rubbed one out in front of the camera.

Because you hoped no one would ever see the film?

Something like that, yes. After the end of the shooting I thought for a couple of days that this would be the end of my - at the time really short - acting career. But then I got the phone call that said “You got the role.” And then Twilight started.

And after the first part of Twilight the sell???


Mr. Pattinson, you grew up in Barnes, in the south west of London. What was your childhood like?

Pretty normal. I have always been an average guy who constantly made sure not to be the center of attention. A little bit shy and unsure. That’s why I decided to sign up for the theater group, even though I had already played at a theater before I did that.

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